{{ $notice }}

Bowhead setup part 3:

Welcome to Bowhead, this setup with help you set up Bowhead so you can get up to speed quickly.

Setup is just a few steps:

Select cryptocurrency pairs that you want to monitor. The number in superscriptlike this is the number of exchanges -- selected on the previous page -- that the pair is traded on.
If a currency pair is in bold, that means it is traded on all {{ $num_selelected }} exchanged you selected, it is automatically checked.

We are interested in trading pair coverage for a few reasons, primarily so that we can move currency around. Currencies like Ripple (XMR) and Dash are fast transaction vessels. So, if you need to move BTC from Exchange A to Exchange B and both support Dash, you buy Dash with BTC on Exchange A and deposit it into Exchange B and then sell the Dash for BTC.


@foreach (array_chunk($pair_output, 6, true) as $pairs) @foreach ($pairs as $pair => $count) @else class='check_pair'> @if(in_array($pair, $pair_all)) {{ $pair }} @else {{ $pair }} @endif {{ $count }} @endif @endforeach @endforeach
@if(in_array($pair, $pair_all)) {{ $pair }} @else {{ $pair }} @endif {{ $count }}