{{ $notice }}

Bowhead setup final:

We are done with the basic setup, your database is set up and seeded with data and you selected your data sources.
Now we need to finalize and get the schedules set up to keep your data up to date, we do this with the schedule runner

We have attemped to set the following preserved full crontab for user {{get_current_user()}} who is running the webserver:


If you see an error then continue below the button, otherwise you can use Bowhead as it is now, though you cannot do trades until this part is done. If you are using Coinigy then you will need to add the API keys on the Coinigy site (It would be a good idea to add them to Bowhead as well so that you can swap to using CCXT if you wish).
Continue to the next section where you can enter the API information for each of the Exchanges you selected.

Please sign up for the Bowhead mailing list.

The mailing list will be for updates on the project, new tutorials, new videos and related crypto news.

If you need to change the user crontab.

If you need this cron to run as a different user than {{get_current_user()}} you will need to remove this crontab entry and set it for the user of your choice, for most cases, the web user should be fine.
if you are familiar with cron then add this to your existing crontab.
If you are not, you can use the following command in a terminal. NOTE: This command will wipe any existing crontab entries you have.

echo "{{ $cronstring }}" | crontab -