{{ $notice }}

Bowhead setup - exchanges:

We are done with the basic setup, your database is set up and seeded with data and you selected your data sources.
Bowhead is now attempting to pull in data for pairs you selected on the exchanges you specified. This will not always work as not all the
exchanges have public API endpoints, so you really need to sign up for these changes you selected and add in the API keys for them

Before entering in API keys, you should make sure this webserver is locked down, especially if this is run in the cloud.
Here are tutorials for nginx, and apache (if you must use Apache).

NOTE: You can come back to this page from the main page.
@foreach ($exchanges as $exchange) @if(in_array($exchange->id, array_keys($preferred))) @else @endif @endforeach
EXCHANGE API Key API Secret password (seldom needed) uuid (seldom needed)